Monday, June 1, 2009

Driven Into Madness

"...Killing is just another pleasure.."

What drives serial killers into that mindset?

We've all had that urge. You all know what I'm talking've been angry and pushed about and you cant take it no more, your hurt, your upset and you just wanna let it out..whats the easiest way to do that? hurt the person who's been hurting visualize yourself standing before them and inflicting an enormous amount of pain. You punch, kick, stab, hit, whack, break, shoot,'d do anything to make then feel sorry...then as you realize your sitting on your bed you feel foolish, maybe even scared to think you would do something like that. Well you shouldn't be because by doing so you are releasing a lot of your anger and rage into thin what if you acted upon those instincts...well you wouldn't be in your fucking room right now, you'd be right there with a knife in your hands pushing it in and pulling it out of their chest. Where is your mind at the moment? It's not with you, its somewhere away and it can't hear your call for it. Its easy to say you would kill someone and easier to say you won't but I can surely tell you, all you need is a slight push and your over that fucking edge, your running lose, you cant think, you cant scream, your heart is pounding and your hands are soaked in blood. Everyone in this shitty ass world are hiding behind make-up, fake smiles, false pretense and emotionless voids, anyone in this world can snap at anytime, from your so called friendly neighbor to a fucked up mum who has just killed their own kids with a fucking hatchet.. Your best friend can turn against you at anytime and stab a knife through your back. So if everyone is capable of going crazy and falling into the rift of madness, who can you trust?


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